Blue point born 22 march 1997.
She was desexed december 2003 and very sadly let us March 2008....
... but she is still our one and only Queen of the
More pics of Guiny here
FIFe European Champion
Perlas-sin Luthien Tinuviel
FIFe Distinguished Merit (DM)

lilac point
more pics and info here
desexed 2010
... and these are our breeding Queens:
FIFe Junior Winner & International Champion
Faerie Kiss Maharanee Wilwarin
seal tabby point
born il 18-02-2006
Tinuviel's daughter
FIFe Grand International Champion
Faerie Kiss Orithil

chocolate tortie point born February 11th 2008
daughter of Maharanee and Torrecerredo
FIFe Champion
Faerie Kiss Silmaharil

blue tabby born march 11th 2011
mother Faerie Kiss Maharanee father Zhamanen Sandstorm
and our future...
Innamorata aux Pieds de Neige

chocolate tortie point born june 3rd 2013
co-owner Chiara Cubi - BrooksfieldShip Cattery
EC Julius Caesar von Magic Elfland x Ginger de l'Ange Mumiah
Djalisco's Enigma

seal point born august 13th 2013
co-owner Federico Bottini - Cabott Cattery
Djambo du Temple de Lugh X Tafari Rose v.d. Rosenterrasse
Faerie Kiss Xanadu
seal tabby nata il 14 marzo 2014
figlia della nsotra Dama Faerie Kiss Silmaharil e del nostro Cavaliere Inglese
Sucette's Uturn

and a
very special Thank You to:
FIFe European Champion
Faerie Kiss Edjem Be My

blue point
neutered 2009
Tinuviel's daughter
more pics and info here
FIFe European Champion
Faerie Kiss Fata Morgana

seal tabby point born 23-5-2002
neutered 2008
daughter of Tinuviel & Las Perlas-sin Eminyan
FIFe European Champion
Faerie Kiss Isotta dalle Bianche Mani
FIFe Distinguished Merit (DM)
chocolate point ,
born 2-2-2004,
Edjem's daughter, pedigree
neutered 2011
Little Indian's Savannah
seal tabby point born15-6-2002
neutered 2008
Breeder Tonnis - Germany
Owner Lilli Le Rose Verona
FIFe European Champion
Faerie Kiss Idril Celebrindal

chocolate tortie tabby point
born 2-2-2004
Morgana's daughter
Owner Roberta Baraglia - Mombretto di Mediglia MI
neutered 2010
FIFe Champion
Unḍmiel Arwen Evenstar de l'Ange Mumiah

seal point born 15-3-2003
neutered 2008
All. Trivino - France
FIFe International Champion
Sinah's Yvette

seal point,
born 15-07-2006,
All. H. Kriz (Austria) Pedigree
there is something I would never do, that is rehoming an adult cat.
but sometimes it is really the only choice. Fata Morgana and Yvette started
and I was obliged to rehome sweet Yvette. Morgana is 10 and neutered and it
have been fair toward her, she would have suffered too much. Yvette is still
fertile, it was
easy to find the right home among the candidates and she is a happy cat now. But
we miss her.
Klavdia Neige du Saphir

seal point born June 2nd 2008
All. Svetlana Yaremenko - Russia