Kitten's Growth Calendar (standard
english text, not modified by me)
Born on 23th
March 2003 - PEDIGREE
three females and one male. tre femmine ed un maschio.
Faerie Kiss Gwyn Glasir - m chololate tabby - Owner Laura Ciocchetti (BI)
Faerie Kiss Galadriel Regina degli Elfi - f chocolate tabby - Owner
Rode (D)
Faerie Kiss Grisandole - f seal tabby - Owner Bianca
Schioppi (BI)
Faerie Kiss Fata Gilraen La Bella - f seal tabby owner Gerhard
Mayers (D)
Tom: |
Perlas-Sin Eminyan - seal tabby point |
Queen: |
Perlas-Sin Luthien Tinuviel - lilac point |
Breeder: |
Faerie Kiss
- Roberta Bianchi |
Thu 27 Mar 2003 -
Tue 1 Apr 2003 |
 | The kitten's eyes will start to open.
Their sight is still very foggy. |
 | Kittens are born with blue eyes.
 | Make sure the eyes are clean, look
for any signs of pus. |
 | Keep the kittens away from bright
lights. |
Fri 28 Mar 2003 -
Sat 5 Apr 2003 |
 | The ear canals begin to open.
Sat 29 Mar 2003
 | If the queen can't handle the feeding
of her kittens, you might want to take care of two or three feedings
each day. |
 | Feed the kittens a commercial
artificial queen's milk (like KMR). Use a syringe or with a soft
rubber nipple. |
 | Don't overfeed the kittens (when it
is full, bubbles come out around its mouth). |
 | Don't forget to give the queen some
too (as much as she likes). |
1 April |
Sat 5 Apr 2003 -
Sat 12 Apr 2003 |
 | The kittens are more aware of their
surroundings and will start to explore. |
Tue 8 Apr 2003 |
 | Ear canals should have completely
opened by now.
Abbiamo aperto gli occhi e perso da giorni il cordone ombelicale |
Da oggi abbiamo due mamme.... la Guiny ha
deciso di adottarci... |
Wed 9 Apr 2003 |
Wed 9 Apr 2003 |
 | The kittens will be able to excrete
without being stimulated. |
Sat 12 Apr 2003 |
 | Kittens are able to purr now.
 | Kittens can stand up now. |
 | At this stage you may want to introduce
a miniature litter box, but be very cautious - some kittens try to eat
the litter filling. Switch to another type if they do (try the sort that
is made out of paper or wood). |
Sat 12 Apr 2003 - |
 | Socialisation with people and cats will
take place during this period. |
Sat 12 Apr 2003 -
Sat 19 Apr 2003 |
 | Baby teeth will start to appear. |


non è la mamma!! |
Sat 3 May 2003 |
 | Kittens are fully weaned now and need
lots of space to exercise. |
non è la mamma!!

è la zia Guiny!! |

Gwyn a un anno:

A due anni

Gugu ha avuto 16 cuccioli e 6 fidanzate, le mamme dei cuccioli sono:
Ch X-Amanda
Ch Goccia
IC Tabata de l'Iris Doree
Dorje Ling Gigliola
IC Shannaya's Golden Melody Blue Magic Zest
IC Las Perlas-Sin Shanti Fee Oriana |
Novembre 2003:
hei, un pomodoro!
gnam che buono!
Agosto 2003

Febbraio 2004

Miaogiuro, non ho gli occhi verdi! Ma che combina la mia
mamma con la macchina??!!

La guardiana di Stefano |
Girlaen nella sua nuova casa
Luglio 2003:

Gilraen e la sua prima expo,

I cuccioli di Gilraen:

Il papà dei cuccioli è
EC Las Perlas-sin Djambo |